What I know of Alan T

Created by brian 7 years ago
Alan always told me he wasnt born in Liverpool but was born in Wallasey- which he thought was rather upparket. His family history seemed unclear there were I know Italian and German links, and some members of his family had been owners opf the Carrera marble quarries. I know he was very close to his mum. Alan was an artist. I know he got a teaching post at Eton and was involved in set paiting at the Windsor Theatre Royal. This is apparently where he literally bumped into the Queen Mother and he was sacked because of it. So she provided him with free meals in a local pub. Others will know so much more about his political life. I met him when the GLC was about to be aboloshised and Alan was with his then partner Paul Drain. Paul was an Ulster Unionist and Alan hard and fast Old Labour man. They didnt seem a natural match but they were inb love and used to have some humdonger arguments which were ended by a shaking of fist , a squeeze of an ear or a hug. When paul died Alan through himself more into work and he sought to keep Pauls memory alive in whatever way he could. He eventually had to get rid of the voice message left on his answer phone but he tried to record it in a voice that mimicked his beloved Paul. It was quirky but sad as well. Paul had asked me before he died to look out for Alan. Over the years I tried to increase my contact with his especially as his health declined. I loved him, perhaps more than I realised and am proud to have called him friend.